Prayer of St. Patrick Meditation

Need a prayer of grounding? The Prayer of St. Patrick might be what you’re looking for.

Here's just a slice of it - ...and if "Christ" language is a bit triggering or confusing (p.s. - it's not Jesus' last name!), one of the ways to think about this word is the "energy of Love", the "original Creator and Creativity that animates all of life", the "One who knows and loves my essence."⠀

Why not go for a walk and consider that you are surrounded by Presence as you pay attention to the present moment while you pray this prayer.⠀You may even want to gesture by holding a rock…(before me, behind me, to my left, to my right, etc.)

"I arise...⠀
Christ with me,⠀
Christ before me,⠀
Christ behind me,⠀
Christ in me,⠀
Christ beneath me,⠀
Christ above me,⠀
Christ on my right,⠀
Christ on my left,⠀
Christ when I lie down,⠀
Christ when I sit down,⠀
Christ when I arise,..."⠀

Join millions of others now and through the ages with this prayer.⠀
Get the full version with a simple google search, "Prayer of St. Patrick".