An Earth Hour Activity for Earth's Heart and Ours


Earth Hour is an invitation to stand in solidarity with our home - planet earth - by reducing our use of electricity for one hour. It’s designed to help raise OUR awareness and the particular part WE each play for the health of the planet.

Even with the experience of a global pandemic, we need constant reminders of our fragility and the crisis this is upon us.


Where our attention is, there our energy follows.

This is an important teaching in all of the perennial traditions.

What if we raise our awareness of the abundance around us and not just our scarcity. Can we fall in love with the natural world in ever-deepening ways? Can we use this hour to bring our attention to how the earth gifts us every day, and see how our energy follows?


Where our attention is, there our energy follows.

Turning off our lights and electronics for one hour is not just a collective act of solidarity but it can be a reminder of the abundance and resiliency we have, and our earth has.

There has never been a more important time to support the health, vitality, and resiliency within ourselves and for our planet.

They are intrinsically connected, and we must slow down so we SEE this Reality with fresh attention and energy.


Where our attention is, there our energy follows.

How to Spend Your Earth Hour

  1. Whether you are on your own, or with a few friends and family, consider the hour you want to give to this. It’s less about the exact “8:30pm hour”, and more about how you can bring your attention and heart to abundance.

  2. Turn off the lights/electronics and light some candles.

  3. Consider doing some of all of the following activities:

    • Read the Poem called EARTH HOUR 2020 by Greg Kennedy SJ (below and in the PDF)

    • Go deeper with this poem and notice which words, phrases, images pop out to you the most? How does it make you feel? What is your soul saying to you? Take your time with this. There is no rush.

    • Consider going outside and finding 3 rocks. Then, turn those three rocks into 3 prayers or hopes for others and the planet. Bring the things that are beating hardest in your heart right now.

    • You may also want to pull out some crayons, markers, or something to create a picture. Use any of these ideas:

      • Create a portrait of the beauty of the planet from your perspective

      • Create a “Greeting Card” for the planet. You may want to pick an animal or a tree to focus your attention

      • Draw a circle as if it’s a container to hold your visual/pictorial prayers for the planet. Then draw your prayers inside the circle.

    • If you’ve decided to listen to some music, why not play and listen to The Four Seasons by Vivaldi (find it on Spotify). You’ll likely recognize some of the melodies, but slow yourself down and really listen.

    • If Vivaldi isn’t your cup of tea, why not tune into SoulPlay’s Spotify “Slow-Down” Playlist. Break for a bit, slow down, and wake up to how the music is making your feel.

Learn more about the history of Earth Hour.

Earth Hour 2020

by Greg Kennedy SJ


in the darkness


be it but an hour


the land

you were taken out of


is the land

you’ll be put into

so please don’t confuse the signs

Exodus does not read EXIT


there is no away

for a heart as plain as prairie

the freedom brewing

on the horizon

must never be forgotten


most deserts you wander

expand to the pace

of your firmer steps

determined to show

just how much love

you can endure.


Used with permission. I’m grateful for Greg’s work and friendship!

**You can find a whole book of Greg’s poem’s just released: Reupholstered Psalms: Ancient Songs Sung New

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“Reupholstered Psalms sings a new song to the Lord out of the absurdity and beauty of the modern world. They are prayers that, leaning forward into the winds of change raging today, reach back into the hearts of our ancestors of faith.”